An Investigation of a Relationship between Aggression and Wellbeing among Adolescents
Aggression, Wellbeing, AdolescentsAbstract
The study investigated the relationship between aggression and wellbeing among adolescents. A sample of 250 adolescents equally divided among males and females aged 16-18 years were taken. Various self-report measures were administered, for example, aggression questionnaire by Buss and Perry (1992), satisfaction with life scale by Diener, Emmons, Larsen, and Griffin (1985), positive affect and negative affect acale by Watson, Clark, and Tellegen (1988), and psychological wellbeing scale by Ryff and Keyes (1995). Means and Standard deviations, t-ratios and Correlation Analysis were carried out. Findings indicated significant and inverse relationship between aggression and wellbeing. Significant gender differences emerged in physical aggression where males scored higher as compared to females.
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