Motivational Factors Influencing Attitude towards Knowledge Transmission by Traditional Medical Practitioners in Rural Communities of South West Nigeria
Traditional Medical Practitioners, knowledge transmission, reputation enhancement, perceived loss of knowledge power, expected incentives, NigeriaAbstract
Using survey design, both qualitative and quantitative data were collected from two hundred and twenty-eight traditional medical practitioners using questionnaire, key-informant interviews and FGDs. The motivational factors investigated were perceived loss of knowledge power, reputation enhancement and expected incentives. Findings from quantitative data revealed that there was no significant relationship between attitude and amount of knowledge transmitted by the TMPs as well as between attitude and each of the motivational variables. However, qualitative data showed that TMPs generally in the region had a positive attitude towards knowledge transmission and mostly transmitted their knowledge because of their desire to enhance their reputation and many would also receive financial incentives. They did not fear losing their knowledge power due to knowledge transmission. The paper recommends a post-positivist approach to studies on knowledge transmission of TMPS in rural communities as this recognizes subjectivity in research by relying on opinions and feelings of respondents.
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