Exploring the Impact of Coronavirus Pandemic on World Prisons: An Overview of Global Responses and Future Implications
Prisons, Health Risk Management, Prisoners, Pandemic, Preparedness, Human RightsAbstract
While governments and international organizations continue their fight against the 2019 Corona virus disease, it is important to not overlook those in prisons and detention centres around the world, currently deprived of their liberty and rights, as they are likely to be more vulnerable to this outbreak than the general population. Given the nature of confinement, prisoners live in close proximity with each other for prolonged periods of time which often acts as a source for amplifying and spreading infectious diseases. With this in mind, the aim of this article is to present an overview of the impact of Corona virus pandemic on world prisons and the subsequent global responses to combat this unprecedented crisis. The article concludes with implications for mental health of prisoners and deliberates on decarceration as a way forward.
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