Transforming Education in Nigerian Universities: The Role of Free and Open-Source Software (FOSS) in Teaching and Learning
Free and Open-Source Software (FOSS), Nigerian Universities, Systematic Literature Review, Thematic Analysis, Educational Technology AdoptionAbstract
The study explores the adoption of free and open-source software (FOSS) and its implications for teaching and learning in Nigerian universities. Four specific objectives guided the study. A qualitative research design was employed, utilizing a systematic literature review. The systematic review approach was chosen for its ability to provide a comprehensive synthesis of existing research, allowing for an in-depth understanding of the current state of knowledge on the topic. The literature search was conducted using the databases Web of Science, Scimago, and Scopus. The search focused on literature published between 2020 and 2024, reflecting the most recent developments and trends in FOSS adoption in education. Thematic analysis was employed as the primary method of data analysis. The findings reveal that FOSS has emerged as a viable alternative to proprietary software in Nigerian universities, offering significant benefits such as cost savings, enhanced accessibility, and the promotion of digital literacy. However, the study also highlights substantial challenges, including a lack of technical expertise, inadequate infrastructure, and resistance to change, which have led to uneven adoption across institutions. Additionally, the study notes that Nigerian universities face unique challenges compared to other regions, particularly regarding legal, regulatory, and cultural factors. The study concludes that while FOSS holds the potential to transform teaching and learning in Nigerian universities by making education more accessible and inclusive, significant efforts are needed to overcome the barriers to its widespread adoption. The implications of this study suggest that targeted policy interventions, capacity-building initiatives, and technological investments are essential to fully realize the benefits of FOSS in Nigerian higher education.
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