Development of E-Learning Modules and to Study its Influences among National Eligibility Test Aspirants in Physical Education Subject
E-learning, Modules and TechnologyAbstract
The purpose of the study was to develop e-learning modules and to study its influences among national eligibility test aspirants in physical education subject. To achieve this purpose initially thirty six male national eligibility test aspirants who had completed postgraduate in physical education in the last three years have been randomly selected from Tiruchirappalli and Pudukkottai Districts, Tamil Nadu state, India and their age ranged from 24 to 27 years. A multiple choice test (pre-test) based on the NET physical education syllabi was conducted for all the subjects and top twenty scorers were taken as the subjects for this study. Using matching procedure on the basis of their pre-test scores, subject were assigned to two equal groups of ten subjects each and named as group ‘A’ and group ‘B’. Group ‘A’ underwent teaching along with e-learning modules sessions and group ‘B’ undergone teaching sessions alone. To prepare the e-learning modules based on UGC–NET exam syllabus in physical education subject, the investigators had chosen unit seventh and prepare the ten modules with help of the mentor. The teaching of the syllabus was administered for both groups for a period of ten working days with each session lasting for an hour each day in the morning session. The e-learning modules developed by the investigators were shown to group ‘A’ for 15 to 20 minutes per day after the teaching session. For displaying e-learning modules, the computer laboratory was used. The post test was conducted to the both groups with a different set of multiple choice questions. To find out the difference between the two groups analysis of co-variance (ANCOVA) was used, where the final means were adjusted for differences in the initial means, and the adjusted means were tested for significance. It was found that the teaching along with e-learning modules showed significant improvement on national eligibility test aspirants in physical education subject.
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