Four Step Self - Development Programme for Teenagers in Solving their Problem
Stress, Suicide, Transactional Analysis, Behavior Modification, PLISSIT ModelAbstract
Suicide in teens is ever on the increase. The global suicide rate stands at 14.5 deaths per 100,000, with suicide the fourth cause of death in the 15 to 19 age group. Factors like family conflicts, over expectation of parents, child abuse, academic failures, teenage infatuations and mental illness lead to Stress and Suicidal Ideations in teens resulting in lack of Self Esteem, deficiency in communication, low academic performance and difficulty in problem solving. In this study, preliminary assessment to determine the severity of the problem was done using the PLISSIT screening. PLISSIT Model (Annon-1976) was used for screening. PLISSIT stands for Permission (P), Limited Instruction (LI), Specific Suggestion (SS), and Intensive Therapy (IT). It is concluded from the findings that the package of interventions comprising of Transactional Analysis and Behavior therapy is useful in the effective management of Stress among teenagers. Decision to change was made using TA model. BT facilitated the external change. The package of TA and BT was instrumental in stabilizing the change.
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