A Comparative Study of Shoppers Satisfaction with Reference to Selective Retail Markets in Bangalore City: An Empirical Study
Bangalore shopping malls, Attractiveness factors, Shopper satisfaction, Loyalty and Word of MouthAbstract
The purpose of this empirical study is to investigate the attractiveness factors influencing shoppers’ satisfaction, loyalty, and word of mouth in Bangalore shopping mall centers. The independent variables were attractiveness factors represented by these variables namely aesthetic, convenience and accessibility, product variety, entertainment, and service quality. The dependent variables were shopper satisfaction, loyalty and Word of Mouth. A structured questionnaire was distributed to a sample of 200 shopping mall customers, representing all of the shopping malls shoppers in Bangalore city. A purposive sampling technique was employed for this study. The multiple regression analysis showed the impact of shopping malls attractiveness factors on the shopper satisfaction. The attractiveness factors aesthetic, convenience and accessibility, product variety, entertainment, and service quality, had a positive effect on Shoppers’ of these Shopping Malls. The most significant factor was product variety. This research study potentially contributes to shopping malls attractiveness factors and their impact on shoppers’ satisfaction in shopping malls of Bangalore.
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